Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pause the Workout DVD???

ok i've said this a million times if i've said it once.. so i'm going to post it here and just start pointing!
DO NOT PAUSE THE VIDEO.......your heart rate needs to be obviously if you need to be rushed to the emergency room forget the video period...but there is no need to pause it...if you are pushing hard and digging deep you will do exactly like shaun t says and take a quick break...let your heart rate rest a sec then jump back on it.....if you pause the video you are likely to decide to walk around...go to the kitchen.....get more water....go pee....look at your phone....check your email.....cook lunch.....then finally remember oh crap I was working out....this is not how insanity was designed....its balls to the wall...push with all you got kinda workout....if you hit muscle failure relax for a few seconds...shake it out and hit muscle failure again....the harder you push the better your results are going to be......all you have to make sure you hold your core tight at all times....and make sure your form is perfect....if you slack and don't hold your form...stop and fix it....then attack it again...insanity is is a workout that when you get done you want to lay there and hum to yourself for a minute....but 20 minutes later you will want to leap small buildings.....most people don't think much on cardio workouts.....if you really work your cardio......when you do a strength exercise....your muscles will explode....because you have strengthened your "strawberry tart" ... you will gain quicker and recover faster cause your heart is built up enough to handle the pushes oxygen and blood push yourselves! You won't be cheating anyone but yourself if you don't...

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